Wednesday, October 28, 2009

CNC Spotlight- Malinda Jones

Welcome to the CNC Spotlight, where each week you can get to know a member of the CNC Resource team. This week, meet Malinda Jones, one of the driving forces in our Human Resources Department. She recruits independent adjusters, maintains their files, and works on adjuster deployments. Additionally, Malinda works on-site during catastrophes, handling a variety of Human Resources and administrative duties during both auto and property events.

What motivates you?

My kids

What's your proudest moment in your career?

When my daughter told me that she was proud of me for being so independent.

What do you love most about CNC?

The laid back atmosphere

What are your three favorite things to do outside of CNC?

Shop, Travel, Spend time with kids

What's the best part of your job?


What's your favorite movie?


Favorite TV show?

The Golden Girls

Favorite book?

Act like a lady think like a man, by Steve Harvey

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island with only one thing, what would you take?

My cell phone

Do you have any hidden talents?

Singing and Acting

What are three places you'd like to visit?

South Africa, Thailand, Cayman Islands

What's something quirky or fun about you?

My bubbly personality, I'm a little goofy at times!

If you could hug any animal without getting hurt, what would you hug?

A Lion

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

I would make s’mores out of them!

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