Wednesday, November 18, 2009

CNC Spotlight- BJ Leckband

Welcome to the CNC Spotlight, where each week you can get to know a member of the CNC Resource team. This week, meet BJ Leckband, our Human Resources Manager in charge of insurance adjusters. BJ handles our human resources process, recruiting, training and deploying adjusters for auto and property events. Additionally, BJ works on-site during catastrophes to ensure that all adjusters are licensed, documented, and briefed.

What motivates you?
Wanting to watch my grandkids grow up and wanting to help them to become good and caring adults and becoming a great grandma.

What's your proudest moment in your career?
Seeing someone new doing great on their first deployment.

What do you love most about CNC?
The people that I work with, and giving the opportunity to help people start a new career or improve their skills

What are your three favorite things to do outside of CNC?
Spent time with my grandkids, play with Mollie (my dog), spend time with my two cats

What's the best part of your job?
Deploying adjusters to storms

What's your favorite movie?
Love story

Favorite TV show?
Army wives

Favorite book?
To many to pick just one out

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island with only one thing, what would you take?
My pets (1 dog and 2 cats)

Do you have any hidden talents?
Painting ceramics

What are three places you'd like to visit?
Italy, Ireland and France

What's something quirky or fun about you?
I love to see things and places that have a lot of history, quirky would be my love for animals

If you could hug any animal without getting hurt, what would you hug?
Polar bear

You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
I'd have to eat them raw, I could not kill the dragon. I would want to make him a pet

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